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What a California Girl Learned in a Blizzard

I’m baaaack! Did ya miss me? #missedyoutoo SO! Where the heck have I been?

Well, I spent the last week in New York and Boston for our latest #PoshNation events and quickly learned we were heading to a blizzard…which, for a California gal is not ideal. To be honest, I never even owned and coat (like a real COAT) until I started traveling for work 4 years ago. Any other time I went to the snow I would borrow a friends or family members winter appropriate pieces.

During this most recent trip to NY, I came to a lot of realizations about how utterly unprepared I was and how many things about the snow you don’t ever realize unless you have to experience it. So yes, some of these things may seem RIDICULOUS but hey — I live in a state where the weather is 70 degrees 10 months out of the year…so give your warm blooded girl a break.

Without further adieu….my list of shit I learned as a Cali girl in a blizzard.

Pretty much, the snow is no joke BUT I do have to say it’s absolutely beautiful and I had a grand ole time experiencing it on this trip. Is it summer yet? ☀️

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